
Welcome to the web site of the Burma Labour Solidarity Organisation.

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Training and Education Activities

An important part of the work of the BLSO is the holding of training and education sessions. These meetings are held on a range of issues including workers rights, human rights, anniversaries, lliterature, culture, health and social justice issues. Below are images of some of the activities we have hosted and attended.

How Migrant Workers Access Labour Rights Protection 21st June 2006 Forum Asia Foundation and Human Rights Commmittee, Lawyer Council of Thailand

Round Table Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Thai Labour Campaign

The purpose of this meeting was to increase communication between Thai and Burmese workers, trade unions and migrant groups. The roundtable was sponsored and organized by the Thai Labour Campaign (TLC), which has offices in Bangkok and Mae Sot. Several Thai trade unions were present from railway, transportation and other state enterprises.

1990 election 16th anniversary - 21st May 2006
The stole election of 1990 were the subject of a meeting held in the school on the 21st of May 2006. Speakers talked of the need to continue to orgnaise to claim back the democratic victory earned in 1990. The people attending were predominately construction workers and their families. The BLSO concluded their meeting with a meal and drinking water.

116th May Day - 1st May 2006
Each year the BLSO comemorate May Day - International Workers Day. A range of speakers discussed labour and human rights issues particularly in regard to migrant labour laws. The history of the international labour movement was also detailed putting their efforts to organsie in a historical context.

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